
Read about what previous students have had to say about the Power of Walk online course.

Me attending this course was the answer my horses needed me to look for. I'm still seeing changes daily and even the older horses are changing shape for the better. My newly acquired tense giraffe pony has transformed into a calm, relaxed sweetheart and my youngster is developing muscles that will set up her thoracic sling in the best way possible ready for her ridden life. The slow steady pace makes this course perfect for so many horses and their riders and handlers. Each session doesn't take long and can even be done in the field if you are short of time. My horses and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


I have really loved this course, Diana has been so supportive, the material easy to understand and simple in its delivery. I have found the work has hugely benefitted my young horse as well as my older one and both are much happier in my company and in their bodies. Thank you Diana, I love what you're doing, thank you. 

Jenn N


This course showed me a lot about how posture can be improved through slowing things down in a classical way. It showed me what it looks like, what to look and feel for which is often the hardest thing to communicate with 'real horses and people. Diana was very supportive and dedicated to helping us with the exercises and showing us what we are achieving and how to improve what we are getting. She was very open to discuss any issues and help us with issues from managing the horse to how to motivate ourselves and changing our mindset for the activities. 



I have achieved results that far exceeded my expectations.



A thoughtful method with care for the horse. Take this course to become a partner with your horse and gain a healthier relationship for both of you. Not to mention, your work will be more correct whatever your discipline. Thanks, Diana!



The relationship with your horse will only benefit from doing the TPOW course. It not only broadens your awareness but also helps to deepen a connection of oneness between you and your horse as well.

Virginia C


I would highly recommend Power of Walk course with Diana Waters. The format of the course is well set up based on the 4 S concepts for training with your horse. I found the weekly zoom meetings very informative. I enjoyed the case studies and student questions. It was very helpful to learn strategies to train our eye. These strategies I have never seen before but were so simple for the novice learner to understand and made so much sense to see how to progress our horses to the correct posture and balanced movement. Diana is passionate about empowering the person to be better for their horses and she is available personally every step of the way. The icing on the cake- her concepts work! It was amazing to see the horses change comparing 'before'and 'after'. I am amazed how this gentle method is helping my horse to soften in his poll , relax and stretch , looking beautiful and starting to round with self carriage . Thank you Diana .

Renate N